Designed with students and teachers in mind, Odyssey Online has useful
written information about ancient Egyptian culture, games, puzzles, and
a multitude of museum objects. The museum objects can be printed and incorporated
into word processed reports or downloaded onto a disc to be used in Power
Point and other presentation packages.
This site can be utilized in a variety of ways including:
- As a whole class presentation:
- When one computer is used to present to the whole class, a teacher
can attach it to a television with a TV ator, or attach it to
a color LCD panel, or a video projector.
- As a center, for individual or small group enjoyment.
- As a student research tool:
- Individually, students can bookmark the site and open it easily
on their personal computer.
Before browsing through the web site, we recommend that you open to the
Odyssey Online Home Page
and click on learn more about the object.
Present a lesson to the students on Museum Object Information
and let them practice with a few other images you have printed
from the web site. It will give them an appreciation of the art
objects found throughout this web site, as well as on the other
web sites and in art museums around the world.
We have compiled a list of activities to coordinate with each section
of Odyssey Online which can be used during the study of ancient Egypt.
They were designed in keeping with National Standards for History (Era
2 and 3), New York State Standards (World History, Intermediate Level),
Bloom's Taxonomy, and various student learning styles.
Lastly, make sure to check out the fun
web sites as you go along. Many great activities and additional
images for your use in the classroom can be found here!