The Legend of Romulus and Remus
According to tradition, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 753
BC. They were twin brothers, sons of a human mother and the god of war,
Mars. After their birth, the king ordered them killed. They were placed
in a basket and put into the Tiber River - left to die from exposure
in the outdoors. But their basket washed up on the river bank where
they were found by a female wolf. The wolf nursed the hungry babies
and cared for them until they were found by a shepherd.
The shepherd and his wife raised the babies as their own. Romulus and
Remus grew up and helped overthrow the king who had ordered their death.
They wanted to build their own city along the Tiber River where their
basket had washed ashore. They disagreed about where it should be, and
Romulus killed Remus during their quarrels. Romulus built the city of
Rome on one of the seven hills along the Tiber - the Palatine hill -
and lived a long life as king of Rome.